Connection Inspection
Connection Inspection Sun/Elements Web
This sample connection web for the introductory part of the activity uses the same colored, braided macramé cord as is the other activities. The soil, water and air cords are wrapped around plastic circles. The yellow sun rays have a piece of heavy metal wire inserted inside that they can be bent and hold their shape. The rays should extend past the soil cycle to better match the concept logo.
Plant and animal role cards
Here are some of the plant and animal role cards, colored and then laminated for protection from the weather. Some centers have pasted then onto boards and then painted them with a clear sealant; those look nicer and last longer.
Participant belt with colored cords and locks
Note that the colored cords should be the same cords as used in Munchline Monitors and Great Spec-tackle. This provide great reinforcement as the colors and texture of the cords representing energy, air, water and soil are consistent. As described in photos for those activities, braided macramé cords work well because they are very sturdy.
Connection Inspection Element Sign Posts
Here is a photo of the connection web area with all of the signs and posts.
Assembly of sign posts
Here is one way to attach signs to posts for the connection part of the activity. This post has been set firmly into the ground. The sign on the right side of the photo is attached using a long bolt and wing nut; this allows for the sign to be taken away at the end of the activity and then easily put back on the next time while the post remains in the ground. (The reason there are two locks on this post is because is the water post. Only the sun and water posts have two locks; all others have just one.)
Water sign on post with locks
Here is a photo of the water sign attached to the post. This sign is made of pressed wood. The design of the water symbol is etched into the wood, then painted bright blue to match the color of the water cords. Note the two locks, one for plants and one for animals, making it easy to disconnect only the plants during the final portion of the activity.
Sun sign on post with locks
It is good to have two sun signs because the post is in the middle of the circle. This allows participants on both sides of the circle to see the sun symbol. There are also two locks because all plants need to connect to the sun for energy, and there are usually too many plants to fit onto one lock.